Petition filed for extradition of Palestinian Authority resident to stand trial for robbery and firearms

The International Department of the State Attorney’s Office today filed a petition in the Jerusalem District Court for the declaration of Ibrahim Dib Awadallah, a resident of the Palestinian Authority, who has lived in the United States for several years."B, extradition bar Lara"B, to be prosecuted there for robbery and use of firearms.

According to the extradition request filed by the US government"On April 11, 2018, near midnight, the wanted person entered a grocery store in Brooklyn, New York, which he used to visit from time to time, his face covered in black cloth and sunglasses, shot the seller in the stomach at the checkout and took its contents – $ 800. Immediately afterwards he fled in his car to Ohio, hundreds of miles away, to his partner’s son’s house. The robbery was documented in a security video, which led to his identification. The wanted man managed to leave the USA"Without being captured and about a month after the robbery he returned to the territories of the Palestinian Authority. In December 2019, he was arrested in Israel when he entered it with the aim of stealing vehicles and transferring them to the U.S. territory"That. He was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to 47 months in prison. While a prisoner, the American extradition request was granted. He was arrested yesterday for conducting his extradition proceedings. To the extent that it is decided to extradite him, he will be extradited immediately after the end of his sentence in Israel.

In the case, Adv"D. Yael HaCohen from the International Department of the State Attorney’s Office, together with the Department for Coordination of Operations"To the national headquarters of the Israel Police.

Photo: pixabay

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