Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? These are the reasons and how you will improve the quality of sleep

Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?  These are the reasons and how you will improve the quality of sleep

Difficulty waking up in the morning is a problem that bothers many of us. Although this is a common phenomenon, it can negatively affect our quality of life and productivity during the day. So what makes us so tired in the morning?

Here are some main reasons that should be given the attention they deserve:
1. Disturbances in sleep patterns: Sleep is a complex process that includes cycles of deep sleep and light sleep. If we do not adhere to regular sleeping hours and enough sleep time, it can cause disturbances in sleep patterns and difficulty waking up. What are sleep cycles? Sleep includes cycles of deep sleep (the slow sleep phase – NREM) and light sleep (the sleep phase with rapid eye movements – REM). These cycles repeat themselves during the night, when they change according to the stages of sleep. Each cycle of deep sleep and light sleep lasts about 90 minutes.

Another thing is not keeping the regular sleep times and not getting enough sleep time which can interfere with the natural sleep cycles. Common symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, intermittent sleep, insufficient sleep and/or unwanted awakenings during the night. These disorders can lead to feeling tired during the day, difficulty concentrating, low mood and functional problems.

Other causes of sleep disorders are: an unbalanced lifestyle (exposure to blue light, lack of physical activity, unbalanced diet), mental stress, worries and tensions, chronic diseases (such as chronic pain, depression or anxiety), consumption of caffeine, alcohol or addictive substances in an uncontrolled manner and changes in the sleeping environment (noise, temperature, lighting).

Know that disturbances in sleep patterns can be problematic and it is very important to maintain regular and quality sleep which is essential for the proper functioning of the physiological and cognitive system. Treating the factors that affect sleep can help improve the quality of life.

Disturbances in sleep patterns

2. Lack of physical activity: People who engage in less physical activity are more likely to report difficulty waking up. Physical activity helps us fall asleep faster and maintain better sleep quality.

The relationship between physical activity and sleep: Regular physical activity contributes to improving the quality of sleep and maintaining healthy sleep cycles. The biological mechanisms behind this relationship include an effect on the biological core of the circadian clock, the release of hormones, and the regulation of body temperature.

Lack of physical activity may cause instability in sleep and wake cycles, which affects the quality of sleep. In addition, lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain, low mood and increased stress.

Therefore, a combination of aerobic physical activity and muscle strengthening activity during the week is recommended. Ensuring 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week.

Physical activity - running
Lack of physical activity may cause instability in sleep cycles

3. Unbalanced diet: Lack of certain vitamins and minerals, excessive caffeine consumption or heavy meals before bed, can negatively affect the hormonal balance and the quality and quantity of sleep.

The hormonal and nervous system play an important role in regulating sleep and wake cycles. A balanced and sufficient diet nourishes these systems and supports their normal activity.

A lack of essential substances such as vitamin B, magnesium, iron and more, may have a negative effect on the hormonal balance and the quality of sleep. For example, a lack of vitamin B6 can damage the production of serotonin and melatonin – essential hormones for regulating sleep cycles. Also, excessive caffeine consumption, especially in the afternoon, may make it difficult to fall asleep and disturb sleep. Heavy, greasy or high-sugar meals, eaten close to bedtime, can also cause indigestion and make it difficult to sleep.

Therefore, it is important to follow a balanced and sufficient diet with the right vitamins, minerals and energy sources, which supports the proper functioning of the body's systems. Adhering to regular meal times, avoiding caffeine or heavy food near bedtime, and encouraging the consumption of foods that contain essential ingredients for sleep. It is also recommended to eat a light and nutritious meal about 2-3 hours before going to bed and to drink enough water throughout the day.

Breakfast - cornflakes
An unbalanced diet can cause sleep disturbances

4. stress and pressure: Negative moods, worries and stress can make it difficult to fall asleep and cause sleep disturbances. Stress affects our body and increases cortisol levels, which disable the immune system and lead to fatigue. Therefore it is important to know that stress and mental pressure are significant causes of sleep pattern disturbances.

The physiological effect of stress: Stressful situations activate the hypothalamus-adrenal axis, which leads to the release of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and increases alertness, making it difficult to fall asleep and preventing continuous sleep. In addition, the cortisol hormone disables the immune system, which can lead to fatigue and discomfort.

Also, negative moods, worries and stress may arise during sleep hours and make it difficult to fall asleep. Disturbing thoughts and worries can activate the nervous system and prevent the relaxation and peace of mind necessary for sleep. Therefore, the regulation of stress and tension is essential for maintaining a healthy quality of sleep.

Remember that sleep disturbances as a result of stress and tension may have a negative effect on functioning during the day which is accompanied by a decrease in concentration, increased fatigue, irritability and other emotional difficulties.

Techniques such as breathing exercises, meditation, physical activity and psychotherapy can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

Stress - worry - mental pressure
Stress and mental pressure affects our sleep. Think good thoughts.

5. Using technology before bed: Exposure to blue light from screens stops the secretion of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep cycles. Also, the cognitive stimuli from the phone or computer make it difficult to fall asleep. The use of devices such as smart phones, tablets and computers stimulates brain activity.

It is important to avoid exposure to screens and technological devices about two hours before bed in order to allow the nervous system to relax and prepare for sleep. Adapt yourself to healthy sleeping habits: create an evening routine that keeps you away from technology, for example reading a book, meditating, listening to calm music. Making sure to turn off or remove screens, smart devices and bright lighting in the bedroom and create a pleasant and quiet environment.

Phone - night
It is important to avoid exposure to screens and technological devices about two hours before bedtime

6. Sleep breathing disorders: Conditions such as sleep apnea or increased snoring can interfere with the quality of sleep and cause fatigue during the day.

Sleep Apnea is a condition in which there are breathing disturbances during sleep, which cause repeated pauses in breathing. These interruptions lead to disturbances in gas exchange, a decrease in blood oxygen levels and an increase in carbon dioxide. The condition causes sleep disturbances, repeated awakenings and daytime fatigue.

Also, increased snoring may be a symptom of upper respiratory tract disorders. It can interfere with the quality of sleep of the snoring person and his family members. Therefore, a diagnosis by a sleep doctor or a respiratory specialist can definitely help. In addition, you can examine treatments such as fitting a CPAP device, treating narrowing of the nose or throat, or surgeries. A change in lifestyle such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol and smoking can also be very helpful.

Breathing disorders during sleep
Breathing disorders during sleep

Know that in order to overcome the difficulties of waking up, it is important to pay attention to our sleep cycles and take care of sufficient hours of sleep, regular physical activity, a healthy diet and sufficient rest. Also, reducing the use of technology before bed and finding out breathing problems can help significantly. By taking care of these factors, we can make the morning a more pleasant and energetic time.

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