What is the facility in Isfaya – and why did Israel attack there?

What is the facility in Isfaya – and why did Israel attack there?

On the night between Thursday and Friday, Israel attacked in the vicinity of a nuclear site in Isfayah, according to various reports in foreign media, using small drones and three F-35 fighter jets.

The “Al Arabiya” network reported that the attack focused on the radar of the air defense systems connected to the nuclear facility in Natanz. A satellite photo published last night shows the place that was attacked and a CNN report claims that the S-300 air defense system, made in Russia, was hit in the attack.

An Israeli military source confirmed that Israel was the one that attacked and noted that the target was near the nuclear site in Isfayah. The International Atomic Energy Agency announced that there was no damage to the Iranian nuclear sites and emphasized that nuclear facilities should not be a target at all in military conflicts. Tehran also rushed to issue a clarification notice that all the nuclear sites in the country are under full security and no damage was caused to them.

Image processing: Live flash news

According to a report in the New York Times newspaper, in the unusual Israeli attack in Iran, advanced military technology was used that allowed the weapon that was used to escape the detection and air defense systems of the Iranian regime.

In the attack, which was apparently carried out as mentioned above, an Israeli fighter jet launched an innovative missile that managed to hit the S-300 air defense system located near the Natanz nuclear facility. Two Iranian sources confirmed that the strategic defense system was indeed damaged.

According to Western sources close to the details of the incident, the purpose of the attack was to convey a clear message to Tehran, that Israel has the technological ability to overcome the Iranian defense systems and hit them directly if necessary.

It is still unclear which advanced weapons were used in the attack, but it was clarified that the shooting was carried out from airspace that does not belong to Israel, Iran or Jordan. A move designed to keep the Hashemite kingdom out of the circle of conflict.

Additional Iranian sources revealed that the country's air defense systems failed to detect and warn of the penetration of the weapons that hit the target. This ability to overcome Iran's main security obstacle was a complete surprise to the country's security authorities.

The unusual event described as an “announcement” from the Israeli side, is an exposure of advanced military capabilities in the field of precision weapons. Capabilities that may be a powerful force in the event of a future conflict between the countries.

What is the nuclear facility in Isfaya? What is its importance? And why did Israel choose to attack in his area?

The Isafia Nuclear Technology Center is a major nuclear facility located in the center of Iran on an area of ​​60 dunams. The center is part of Iran's nuclear program and is supervised by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. It is also considered the largest nuclear research complex in the country, and includes about 3,000 scientists.

This facility has 60 production units that process the uranium after it is extracted from the mine by purifying it of impurities to chemically transform it into UF6 gas “uranium hexafluoride”, which then undergoes a cooling process until it becomes a solid.

This product is called yellowcake (conversion of raw uranium to uranium hexafluoride gas). It is processed to prepare it for enrichment and convert it into other uranium compounds. Do not enrich uranium directly. This is not considered one of the functions of this facility. The Isfaya facility is suspected of being the center of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program.

This facility operates three small research reactors, a conversion facility, a fuel and zirconium production plant, and contains additional facilities and laboratories, with Iranian plans to build new nuclear research reactors at the Isfaya site.

We will emphasize that Israel carried out the attack on the defense systems near the facility in order to signal to Iran that it can reach anywhere inside Iran, even the most sensitive sites. According to the published satellite image, the attack on the S-300 air defense battery was accurate.

Satellite image - attack in Iran
Satellite image (use according to section 27 a)

The attack in Iran: is this a preliminary attack for a larger operation?

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