Regrets Nasreen Yosef's decision to withdraw her candidacy to light a beacon

Regrets Nasreen Yosef's decision to withdraw her candidacy to light a beacon

Minister Miri Regev expressed regret over Nasrin Yosef's decision to withdraw her candidacy to light a torch on Independence Day, due to threats to her life and the lives of her family. The minister said that she respects her decision and this is to prevent Nasreen from further pain beyond what she already experienced on October 7.
Minister Regev is proud and salutes Nasreen and Iyad for risking their lives to save other citizens.

Minister Regev stated that the conversation with Nasrin in which she was informed of her choice not to light a torch was particularly moving and that she wishes Nasrin and her family nothing but the best.

In the message given by Nasreen to the committee, it is stated that she requests to remove her name from the list of candidates to light a torch on the upcoming Independence Day.

It was also stated in her message: Nasreen, who showed extraordinary courage when her husband Ayad left his family members and a member of Moshav Yadad's standby class on his own initiative while his commander asked him not to leave, Ayad answered him: “I prefer to die in an IDF uniform and not like a mouse in the dimension.” . Nasrin, immediately remembered that her neighbor was alone with her daughters and went to get them so that he could stay with her in the dimension of her home.

At the same time, the alert squad and the Moshav Yatad police station caught the first terrorists, handcuffed them and brought them near Nasrin and Ayad's house. One of the terrorists' phone rang and Nasrin was asked to be the interpreter. This information helped the alert squad find more terrorists.
The next day Tchai vacated Moshav Yad and the Yosef family evacuated to the north and from there they evacuated to Eilat.

During the Yosef family's stay in Eilat, Nasreen's story began to be published in the media.

Arabs who recognized her began to threaten her and even attacked her and tore the Star of David necklace from her neck.

For this reason and in addition to other threats, Nasreen decided with great pain to withdraw her candidacy from this honorable position, so that her soul would not be harmed beyond what was harmed by the events of 7/10. thus also protecting her family members from all media and communication threats.

At the end, the message reads: Nasreen and Iyad thank from the bottom of their hearts for the honor given to them to carry a torch and stand where heroes and great intellectuals stood.

Mark Neiman, CEO

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