“reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s”

“reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s”

In a video intended for the American media, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the phenomenon of anti-Semitism on campuses in the United States. “What is happening on America's college campuses is appalling,” the prime minister said.

“An anti-Semitic mob has taken over leading universities. They call for the destruction of Israel. They attack Jewish students. They attack Jewish faculty. This is reminiscent of what happened in German universities in the 1930s. It must be stopped and condemned unequivocally.'' he noted.

“Now, thankfully, state, local, federal officials, many of them have responded differently but there must be more people to protect. more needs to be done. This should be done not only because they attack Israel, that is bad enough, not only because they want to kill Jews wherever they are, that is bad enough. This, even when you listen to them, is also because they say not only “death” to Israel, death to the Jews”, they say “death to America”. And this tells us that there is an anti-Semitic wave here that has terrible consequences.” He added.

He also said that “we are seeing this exponential rise of anti-Semitism throughout America and all Western societies, when Israel is trying to protect itself from genocidal terrorists, genocidal terrorists who hide behind civilians. However, it is Israel that is falsely accused of genocide, Israel that is falsely accused of famine and all sorts of war crimes. It's all one big plot.'

“But it's not new. We have seen in history that anti-Semitic attacks were always preceded by slander and slander, crazy lies thrown against the Jewish people, which people believed. Now, what is important now is that all of us, each of us who are interested in and cherish our values ​​and our civilization, stand together and say enough. We must stop anti-Semitism because anti-Semitism is the canary in the coal mine. It always comes before bigger conflagrations that engulf the whole world.'' he added.

“So I ask all of you, Jews and non-Jews alike, who are concerned with our common future and our common values ​​to do one thing: stand up, speak, tell. Stop anti-Semitism now,” Netanyahu said in closing.

Photo: Omar Miron/L.A.M

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